Forums - [CvS2] (Translation) moves that beats blocked Blanka ball Show all 62 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- [CvS2] (Translation) moves that beats blocked Blanka ball ( Posted by JackTheFob on 11:07:2001 02:56 AM: [CvS2] (Translation) moves that beats blocked Blanka ball hate Blanka players that keep doing fierce balls over and over? read below and bait them next time =D Capcom side -- Ryu: Shinkuu Hadouken (block high for Lv1) Ken: f + roundhouse Hurricane Super (partial damage) Guile: f + Fierce standing roundhouse Lv 2/3 Total Wipeout (partial damage) Lv 3 Somersault Strike (partial damage) Sonic Hurricane (partial damage) Zangief: standing Fierce (block high) Lv 3 Aerial Russian Slam Dhalsim: far standing strong/forward/fierce/roundhouse far crouching jab/short/fierce walk up far standing short Yoga Stream Yoga Tempest E. Honda: Fierce Torpedo strong/fierce HHH (partial damage) Onimusoo (torpedo super) Blanka: crouching Fierce; Slide Fierce ball, Roundhouse up-ball Lv 2/3 Direct Lightning Sakura: walk up standing roundhouse (block high) Shinkuu Hadouken (block high to land Lv1) Fierce DP (partial damage) Lv 2/3 DP super (partial damage) Balrog: standing fierce (US) Jab Dash Straight Short Dash Upper Jab Dash Ground Straight Short Dash Ground Upper both supers Vega: (with claw) (US) standing strong/fierce crouching strong/forward/roundhouse Red Impact (without claw) standing fierce (block high) crouching strong/forward/roundhouse walk up standing strong (block high) Sagat: standing forward/roundhouse (block high) walk up standing fierce (block high) forward/roundhouse Tiger Knee strong/fierce Tiger Shot any super any level (those 2 non-FB supers do partial damage) Bison: low roundhouse (US) strong/fierce Psycho Crusher Double Knee Press Mega Psycho Crusher Knee Press Nightmare (partial damage) Cammy: walk up standing forward/roundhouse (block high) forward Cannon Drill (block high) roundhouse Cannon Drill Lv 2 Spin Dive Combination (block high) Lv 3 Spin Dive Combination Morrigan: walk up standing forward (block high) Darkness Illusion Akuma: Hurricane Kick (partial damage) Lv 2 fireball super (block high) Lv 3 fireball super Raging Demon Dan: Lv 2/3 fireball super Lv 3 DP super (partial damage) Chun Li: walk up standing strong/fierce (block high) S.A. #2 from 3S Eagle: low roundhouse walk up standing fierce (block high) Oxford Red (HCF + K thingy) Lv 2/3 Union Jack Premium (qcf x 2 + P super) (Eagle's move names are funny yo) Rolento: standing fierce crouching rondhouse Patriot Circle (partial damage ) Lv 3 Take No Prisoner Yun: Zesshou Hohou (qcf + P) Kyosuke: forward Shadow Kick (block high) run, standing fierce/roundhouse (block high) Maki: fierce Genko (qcf + P) walk up standing fierce qcf + forward kick (whatever that move is called) Tesshin Hou (kick super) SNK side -- Kyo: walk up standing roundhouse Aragami Dokugami Orochi Nagi Mushiki (partial damage) Iori: Yaotome (maiden masher) Terry: either super any level Mai: walk up standing roundhouse (block high) Cho Hissatsu Shinobi Bachi (partial damage) fireball super Ryo: Hao Sho Kohoken Lv 3 Ryuuko Ranbu Kim: standing roundhouse (block high) walk up standing fierce (block high) Yamazaki: standing roundhouse fierce Hebi Tsukai Raiden: fierce Raiden Combination Body Blow (RDP + P) Fire Breath Geese: walk up standing roundhouse Deadly Rave run, low roundhouse Rugal: crouching fierce standing roundhouse (block high) Lv 2/3 Giantic Pressure Genocide Heaven (partial damage) Vice: De-cide strong/fierce Mayhem Lv 1/2 Whitering Surface (qcf x 2 + P) King: roundhouse Tornado Kick (partial damage; block high) strong Mirage Kick (partial damage: block high) fierce Mirage Kick (partial damage) Benimaru: kick super Yuri: either super any level (DP super does partial damage) Nakoruru: qcf + strong/fierce Lv 3 hcb x 2 + kick super Joe: walk up standing roundhouse (block high) fierce Rapid Punch (partial damage) Bakuretsu Hurricane Tiger Kakato (partial damage) Athena: run, crouching fierce Rock: Hard Edge Deadly Rave Neo Shine Knuckle (partial damage) Todo: f + forward Magnetic Shockwave (i mean...Cho Kasane Ate -_-) Chang: standing fierce/roundhouse Lv 2/3 Tekkyuu Dai Bousou Hibiki: standing forward/roundhouse walk up standing fierce (block high) qcf + P qcb + jab qcb, hcf + P super (listing commands look lame but it's not like you guys can pronounce Hibiki's move names) Haohmaru: standing strong/fierce Posted by omni on 11:07:2001 03:05 AM: In case anyone is curious or if you didn't understand, when Jack says that the counter is block high, you are able to recover faster (for a myriad of reasons, if anyone wants it explained I will but I'm at work and being lazy) after blocking the ball standing up so some things counter the ball after being blocked high that will whiff if you blocked it low. Derek Daniels Posted by GeekBoy on 11:07:2001 03:26 AM: Horray for Fobs! Posted by aks216 on 11:07:2001 03:31 AM: nice. Posted by ghouki on 11:07:2001 04:58 AM: DIE BLANKA DIE!!! Ok, I'm getting carried away... Thanks for the info. Posted by bizounce on 11:07:2001 05:27 AM: Yeah, I remember how joyous it was when I discovered that Chang could just wreck Blanka with his Standing RH. Very nice Jack. BTW, it was nice meeting you at Wizzards. I was the kid with the long hair tied back and I was wearing the Spiderman shirt. Posted by krx original on 11:07:2001 07:21 AM: quote: Originally posted by omni In case anyone is curious or if you didn't understand, when Jack says that the counter is block high, you are able to recover faster (for a myriad of reasons, if anyone wants it explained I will but I'm at work and being lazy) after blocking the ball standing up so some things counter the ball after being blocked high that will whiff if you blocked it low. Derek Daniels Can you please explain it? Posted by Nate X Grey on 11:07:2001 08:04 AM: I think onmi was saying that it takes more frame to crouch and block after a rolling attack because Blanka recovers from it standing. Just like Kyo can do his aragami and block Bison's scissors high but if he tried to block low he'll get hit. Is that it? Or is it entirely something else? Anyway, a very curious part was where it said Cammy, forward spiral arrow block high.... but you can't block spiral arrow high AFAIK... does that mean its a sure hit anyway? Oh yeah, how come it doesn't mention any of Kim's rush supers? I wanna know if level2 is quick enough. Anyone? Posted by State of Nature on 11:07:2001 09:09 AM: quote: Originally posted by Nate X Grey I think onmi was saying that it takes more frame to crouch and block after a rolling attack because Blanka recovers from it standing. Just like Kyo can do his aragami and block Bison's scissors high but if he tried to block low he'll get hit. Is that it? Or is it entirely something else? Anyway, a very curious part was where it said Cammy, forward spiral arrow block high.... but you can't block spiral arrow high AFAIK... does that mean its a sure hit anyway? You actually misunderstood, which is understandable cause the whole thing is a tad confusing. The block high thing means that if you are standing and you block blanka's ball, you can counter with a move. If you were crouching and blocked blanka's ball, and you tried to counter with the same move, it would miss or be blockable. So when it says Cammy: forward spiral arrow, block high that means that if you are playing as cammy and you are crouching and block a blanka ball, you cannot hit blanka with a fwd spiral arrow. If you were blocking high when you blocked the blanka ball, you could do a fwd spiral arrow to hit him. Got it? Posted by HaoGui on 11:07:2001 01:00 PM: for sakura the super says Midare Zakura(uppercut super) not the Haru Ichiban(the sweep super)..... Posted by hyt on 11:07:2001 01:58 PM: State of Nature: I believe Nate X Grey was trying to understand why a counter move would hit when blocked high instead of block low. I don't know if this applies in other Capcom games (I think it should) but going from a crouch frame to a standing frame (or jumping frame for that matter) takes a number of frames in between (although very few). That's why in the Japan trip the US players noticed that the Japanese take advantage of their opponent crouching to land their Special Throws. Anyways, if you go to the main page and click on the CvS2 section ( then there's a lot of other interesting info, if you can read that is. Here's what's on the links: [System Explanation] [Character Ranking] [Special Articles (like this and the Hibiki one)][DC Version Research Lab(basically DC version secrets)] [Special Intros List][Color Mode Research Lab] [CvS2 BBS (with some cute NGPC modified sprites)] And then at the bottom there's the character sections. Some interesting stuff that I didn't know is on that page. For example, during a short hop, you have 6 frames of recovery. Except for the first frame, the recovery can be cancelled with a special or super. That means that if you don't cancel it, you are very likely to be in a Valle-CC state if your opponent's in A-Groove. Posted by Nate X Grey on 11:07:2001 03:03 PM: quote: Originally posted by State of Nature You actually misunderstood, which is understandable cause the whole thing is a tad confusing. The block high thing means that if you are standing and you block blanka's ball, you can counter with a move. If you were crouching and blocked blanka's ball, and you tried to counter with the same move, it would miss or be blockable. So when it says Cammy: forward spiral arrow, block high that means that if you are playing as cammy and you are crouching and block a blanka ball, you cannot hit blanka with a fwd spiral arrow. If you were blocking high when you blocked the blanka ball, you could do a fwd spiral arrow to hit him. Got it? Hey! Thanx for clearing that up! Everything makes much more sense now. By the way, just curious, but does Blanka recover from the rolling attack crouching, or standing? And I can't read Japanese so I can't get the goodies on that page... Posted by omni on 11:07:2001 11:28 PM: There is actually one other thing going on that I'm not sure if most of you know or not. But when you are blocking low, you are considered 'fatter' than if you are standing up. This is why when playing footsies at certain ranges when you block a low roundhouse if you would have just stood up and not blocked it would have whiffed and you could have countered it. This concept of being thinner while standing has been around forever and it's a very important one. So what happens is when blocking Blanka's Ball low is that it hits you sooner than if you were standing up, so it's already in the retraction phase as you eat up frames recovering from block stun, to standing up and now that you are standing up, you are technically further away than you were while you were crouching, so the blanka is now even further away from you. I hope that makes sense. If not, I'll take the time to fully explain it. Derek Daniels Posted by shinblanka on 11:08:2001 01:33 AM: WHY IS THERE SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH HATE FOR MY DOG?!?!?!?!? Don't player hate on blanka just because capcom made him good for a change! I'm glad you guy's are finding out how to "so called kill blanka" That makes it better when I whoop that a$$! Posted by oni.M on 11:08:2001 06:25 AM: Frack! I'm busting out a super for any one who screws up counterin my blanka balls dat sounds funny........ Posted by Benor on 11:08:2001 10:49 AM: I'll just use K-groove and gain some life from anyone trying to abuse the attack. Posted by TexMex on 11:09:2001 06:37 AM: nice, been needing something like this. Posted by Azrael-sama on 11:09:2001 07:11 AM: Wow, an anti-Blanka thread becomes a sticky. We must reeeeally hate him. I dunno, I haven't had too many Blanka probs yet. I still prefer to knock him out of the ball before it hits - a good DP, or standing jabs. You have to kind of know it's coming, but it's getting easier to read Blanka players. Our arcade had this problem when CvS1 first came out, so my anti-Blanka strats from then are still useful. And, if I'm really desperate, I'll just pick my all-time Blanka killer - Chun-Li. -Az Posted by SF Punker on 11:09:2001 08:32 AM: Hmmm...I thought Beni's running kick (towards+fk) could counter the ball... Posted by LiquiTed on 11:09:2001 04:30 PM: hahahahaha......I know you gotta hate this S.Blanka Thanks to JackTheFob.... much appreciation expressed . Ted quote: Originally posted by shinblanka WHY IS THERE SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH HATE FOR MY DOG?!?!?!?!? Don't player hate on blanka just because capcom made him good for a change! I'm glad you guy's are finding out how to "so called kill blanka" That makes it better when I whoop that a$$! Posted by Hannibal Smith on 11:10:2001 05:46 AM: If someone blocked an attack while ducking could the attacker get in a free high hit? Such as Joe's sweep kick, to a short or super maybe? Just some random thoughts. Posted by Ubersaurus on 11:10:2001 08:58 PM: Blanka Ball Beat! Blanka Bleeds Badly! Posted by Wil Power on 11:12:2001 04:31 AM: s.jab or c. jab with Gief or any character that has a fast jab. Posted by Sie Kensou on 11:13:2001 05:59 PM: Hello You forgot to mention, Iori after blocking Ball, walk up and dwn. Roundhouse, he's sweep can hit. Hell, you don't have to walk, just do it. Yes, Die Blanka!!!! Kensou Posted by SuicidalSnowman on 11:14:2001 09:43 PM: quote: Originally posted by Ubersaurus Blanka Ball Beat! Blanka Bleeds Badly! Green Blanka needs fuhd, bahhly! (and yes, I caught the alliteration) Posted by mysticspyrall4 on 11:15:2001 04:44 AM: grrrrrr On Behalf of all Blanka Players out there DAMN YOU! Posted by cheese_master on 11:15:2001 10:39 PM: Re: grrrrrr quote: Originally posted by mysticspyrall4 On Behalf of all Blanka Players out there DAMN YOU! Something I thought no one who have low enough self esteem to proclaim themselves as... "Blanka Players". Posted by shinblanka on 11:16:2001 12:51 AM: Re: Re: grrrrrr quote: Originally posted by cheese_master Something I thought no one who have low enough self esteem to proclaim themselves as... "Blanka Players". Do you think that shit was funny!?!?!?! I wish I stayed in your neck of the woods so I could whoop that a$$! I think you have been getting your a$$ kicked by someone who uses the dog! Sucka!!! Posted by Rave X on 11:16:2001 04:48 AM: ya what are u talkin about, blanka rules hehe Posted by Decoy on 11:18:2001 03:43 AM: I think it's mad funny how peeps dis the beast-dog for being himself. Can he help it if he hands other characters their asses on a silver platter? How quickly we forget just how overwhelmed he was in Alpha 3. I like to think of Blanka's resurgence as a top tier character as payback time! HA HA HA!!! ~Decoy Posted by Hannibal Smith on 11:18:2001 04:00 AM: Death to the Space Monkey! Posted by GreensRIP on 11:19:2001 04:46 AM: So if someone played Blanka all through CvS, should they stop playing him when he becomes "good"? Posted by mysticspyrall4 on 11:20:2001 09:14 PM: quote: Originally posted by GreensRIP So if someone played Blanka all through CvS, should they stop playing him when he becomes "good"? HELL NO! I know what you mean, all the times they fucked Blanka's priority, all the times i got ripped outta my moves....NOW IT'S TIME FOR PAYBACK! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... sorry, just remembering old times, heh heh.... Posted by Sie Kensou on 11:22:2001 12:13 PM: hello I also don't like Blanka, my friend used ratio 4 Blanka on me and i lost characters. Even though i win, he's still a challenge. So i guess, i side with the anti-blanka ppl. Damn, stupid Dog with Electric and Ball thingy, man i'll just splash water and watch him get grounded...hahaha. and watch me dribble him when he's a ball. stupid Dog. kensou Posted by Croaky is Frog on 11:23:2001 07:51 AM: quote: Originally posted by Sie Kensou hello I also don't like Blanka, my friend used ratio 4 Blanka on me and i lost characters. Even though i win, he's still a challenge. So i guess, i side with the anti-blanka ppl. Damn, stupid Dog with Electric and Ball thingy, man i'll just splash water and watch him get grounded...hahaha. and watch me dribble him when he's a ball. stupid Dog. kensou Haha. it that you Billy? Its me Ryan. I bet thats Cory your talking about. Yeah he does that to me sometimes too and the best way I combat that shit is to use Yama(2) and Geese(2). Pisses Cory off. We should get together and fight agian sometime. Posted by Sie Kensou on 11:24:2001 10:01 AM: Hello Sup Ryan, yeah we should play sometime. Kensou Posted by Peachy on 11:24:2001 10:32 AM: yea it was fun at cory's house tonight... but Billy... you used blanka. I thought you said you were anti-dog. I guess not. I just realized I didn't get to play against you Ryan. Sad. Oh well maybe next time. Teddy Rockspin (inside joke) Posted by Sie Kensou on 11:26:2001 03:48 AM: Hello, Man Peachy, must u be so nosie, anyways, yeah i used Blanka, but i didn't like him. I hated myself for doing it. Anyways, yeah he's good, i'll give him that, but he's a just hard to kill. Kensou Posted by mysticspyrall4 on 11:26:2001 03:57 AM: sad See, the sad thing is... any decent Blanka player knows better than to roll directly at someone... Posted by shinblanka on 11:29:2001 01:42 PM: quote: Originally posted by Sie Kensou Hello, Man Peachy, must u be so nosie, anyways, yeah i used Blanka, but i didn't like him. I hated myself for doing it. Anyways, yeah he's good, i'll give him that, but he's a just hard to kill. Kensou Soooooooo you talked all that shit about blanka and you used him against your friends!?!?!? Can you say sell-out! hahhahahahaahahahahahaha! I knew u would come to the dark side of the force, young jedi! Are you a in the closet Blanka player? U just maybe 1. Posted by SFMC on 11:29:2001 08:23 PM: Yeah just fast jab that shit. Posted by DOA362 on 12:02:2001 03:02 AM: quote: Originally posted by SFMC Yeah just fast jab that shit. Like any good blanka player will ever give you the chance to fast jab it. Anyway people what are you complaining about he's just an overgrown, picachu looking, juicy juice drinkin, hanibel munchin, scooby snack eatin, dog pound fearin, electric charged freak. I mean come on you have to feel sorry for the guy, he was so ugly as a kid his momma couldn't even leave him on a door step that had to put him on a plane and them shoot the plane down with a level 3 S.C.U.D. Posted by Leviathan on 12:02:2001 06:26 AM: Rugal loves blanka. Roll at my Kaiser wave, my genocide, my dark field, my god press..... Then there is Vice, EVIL vice. Go ahead, roll, or jump, or walk forward... Hey I actually use Rugal/Vice in CvS1, wish CvS2 had Mature in it... Posted by Hannibal Smith on 12:04:2001 06:33 PM: quote: Rugal loves blanka. Roll at my Kaiser wave, my genocide, my dark field, my god press..... Then there is Vice, EVIL vice. Go ahead, roll, or jump, or walk forward... Hey I actually use Rugal/Vice in CvS1, wish CvS2 had Mature in it... Oh, I know! Talk about the let down! Could you just imagine the Rugal, Vice, Mature team? Oh, and another thing, you can standing short Blanka out of his lvl3 supers. It's way too much fun. Posted by Blackheart2097 on 12:11:2001 03:28 AM: we don't need a anti blanka thread. what we need is an anti sagat thread!!!!!! Posted by InvincibleStorm on 12:14:2001 04:41 AM: that's a lot of ways to counter this. Posted by FreddyL0c0 on 12:17:2001 07:18 PM: The saddest thing though, this strat is really good against people who abuse the ball. Sad part is, Blanka doesn't need the ball at all to win, so the real mystery is how to outprioritise(sp?) Blanka's priorities on normal freakin attacks. and to the person who asked before, Kim's rush super at level does catch up Blanka's ball when blacked and so does Ryo's ( I know for Ryo that it catch at level3, but at level2 i have no idea) Posted by DreStinson on 12:19:2001 10:13 PM: Haterz!!!! Posted by Iori Ryu on 12:20:2001 05:25 AM: hi Posted by SebFinnegan on 12:20:2001 05:27 AM: i find this thread interesting could you do the same thing with Honda ? and his fierce ... charching thing... you know what im talking about... Posted by Iori Ryu on 12:20:2001 05:31 AM: well for me,it depends on my mental strength on that particular day.if i feel fresh i would use iori c-groove and execute the flying upper cut(sorry i dunno its name)just at the same time its coming at me.else i would jump back + LP/HP.or i would just evade.blocking's a bad thing to do if u cant counter immediately after his u cant do any of the above then just evade and hopefully wait for him to commit a mistake. Posted by SebFinnegan on 12:20:2001 05:45 AM: can a single hit counter the move ? a standing hit that is... Posted by Angel of Rage/ Juggernaut on 12:20:2001 06:26 PM: quote: Originally posted by Sie Kensou Hello You forgot to mention, Iori after blocking Ball, walk up and dwn. Roundhouse, he's sweep can hit. Hell, you don't have to walk, just do it. Yes, Die Blanka!!!! Kensou did anyone got this to work? cuz it does not work for me. Posted by Iori Ryu on 12:21:2001 04:15 AM: i think so.but only depending on the ratio of iori and thinks it only works if iori has a higher ratio than blanka. Posted by Iori Ryu on 12:21:2001 04:17 AM: a standing hit cannot counter the move.unless its a c groove and u have a full lvl 3 MP+MK after blocking to counter the move or if u r using p groove.blanka moves away after being blocked so not easy to use a standing hit on him. Posted by FreddyL0c0 on 12:21:2001 06:56 AM: Angel of rage, it doesn't, it only gets stopped ( with iori after blocking) with a level 2 or 3 maiden masher, i think the only way besides that is "maybe" if u run and do it, but even then the move comes out slow (the crouch.roundhouse that is) no way it hits Posted by FreddyL0c0 on 12:21:2001 07:00 AM: Iori Ryu, What on earth does having different ratios affect about it???????? LoL, that was too weird to read. If Iori is ratio 4, and Blanka ratio1 , then Iori will have extended legs and arms from what ure saying???? right....... Posted by Iori Ryu on 12:21:2001 09:10 AM: higer ratio chars recover faster from a block/after executing fireball.did tat with iori. Posted by Iori Ryu on 12:21:2001 09:18 AM: but ur rite in one thing.iori cant do a roundhouse after matter wat ratio hes in.i overlooked that point as the thread went on,sorry. Posted by Peachy on 12:21:2001 09:27 AM: Iori Ryu, I don't know wtf your talking about. Higher ratios don't do anything else except take/dish out lower and higher damage. Iori can crouching roundhouse Blanka, but you have to walk forward a bit. As far as characters recovering fast cause they're a higher ratio and legs/arms growing cause they're a higher ratio, that's whack and you need to learn more about the game. Posted by Iori Ryu on 12:21:2001 09:38 AM: excuse me.did i ever say chars growing legs/arms jus cos they r higher ratios? Posted by Iori Ryu on 12:21:2001 09:49 AM: but ur rite they dun recover faster and i always tot they do.went to the arcade to try out a ratio 4 iori at the arcade just now. All times are GMT. The time now is 11:51 PM. Show all 62 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.